April 10th, 2019

  Presented by Symantec

Today's modern operating systems, like iOS and Android, are designed for ubiquitous and wireless access from anywhere in the world and have very different use cases and security requirements compared with traditional PCs and servers. Mobile devices are on and connected 24/7, and often owned and managed by individuals, dramatically increasing the attack surface relative to PCs. Malicious hackers have shifted much of their attention to these new operating systems that may provide a direct link into large companies with valuable assets worth stealing. Today, their methods are less focused on broad and annoying attacks on consumers and more on targeted attacks on specific individuals in specific organizations who have the right access levels to high-value assets. Well-researched social engineering exploits, combined with system vulnerabilities, make these attacks highly effective, even against smart and educated individuals. Solutions exist that protect companies from mobile cyber-attacks by securing mobile devices, whether owned by the company or the individual, from the entire landscape of mobile threats-including malware, network-based threats, vulnerability exploits and other targeted attacks, without changing the mobile user experience, compromising user privacy or adding extra burden to IT. Today we will discuss the Mobile Threat Landscape, show an example of what a Mobile Threat looks like, and discuss best practices to protect your Mobile Data.