April 15th, 2021

  Presented by Chris Roberts • Chief Security Strategist, Cynet

Most of the security industry is chasing “around” 31,000 larger enterprise sized companies for their business. The list is well known, circulated and targets are on the backs of ALL the C-Suite, most of the technical folks and the MSP/VARS that support them. The Security industry circles them like packs of hyena or vultures waiting for one of them to fall, get breached, or for a vendor to be thrown out… pouncing on the fresh kill with glee…

Meanwhile, you’re sitting there getting slaughtered by every adversary known to mankind because you ARE the forgotten, you’re too small for the multi-billion $$ cyber companies whom IF they decide to deal with you will flood you with MSA’s, SOW’s and NDA’s that would take a week’s worth of lawyer time JUST to understand, let alone realize that they’re not accountable for anything, unlikely to want to support you and in all honestly you’ll get a 1-800-YOU-AREN’T-SPECIAL number as your sole source of support.

We’re going to address the current situation, the state of play, and give you some thoughts, suggestions, ideas AND plans. We’ll provide resources on HOW to evaluate, where to look, what to do AND importantly we’ll do it because it’s what we’re doing. We live, breath and deal with this daily. We’ve sat in the meetings when the large cybersecurity companies state, “we’re done dealing with the SMB market” and we’ve got the battle scars from dealing with those subsequent consequences.

Presented by: Chris Roberts / Chief Security Strategist, Cynet

Chris is currently serving as a vCISO or advisor for a number of entities and organizations around the globe. His most recent projects are focused within the deception, identity, cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, and services space. Over the years, he's founded or worked with a number of folks specializing in OSINT/SIGING/HUMINT research, intelligence gathering, cryptography, and deception technologies. These days he’s working on spreading the risk, maturity, collaboration and communication word across the industry. (Likely while coding his EEG driven digital clone that’s monitoring his tea and biscuit consumption!)

Since the late 90’s Chris has been deeply involved with security R&D, consulting, and advisory services in his quest to protect and defend businesses and individuals against various types of attack. Prior to that he jumped out of planes for a living, visiting all sorts of interesting countries and cultures while doing his best to avoid getting shot at too often. (Before that, he managed to get various computers confiscated by a number of European entities.)

He’s considered one of the world’s foremost experts on counter threat intelligence and vulnerability research within the Information Security industry. He’s also getting a name for himself in the transportation arena, basically anything with wings, wheels, tracks, tyres, fins, props or paddles has been the target for research for the last 10-15 years…to interesting effect.

As one of the well-known hackers and researchers, Chris is routinely invited to speak at industry conferences. CNN, The Washington Post, WIRED, Business Insider, USA Today, Forbes, Newsweek, BBC News, Wall Street Journal, and numerous others have covered him in the media.

And worst case, to jog the memory, Chris was the researcher who gained global attention in 2015 for demonstrating the linkage between various aviation systems, both on the ground and while in the air that allowed the exploitation of attacks against flight control system.