Presented by Jeff Gaynor • President, American Resilience, LLC
America's critical infrastructures empower the spectrum of National Life. Over the past four decades they have become near-inextricably reliant on a globally accessible and increasingly exploited Internet America has been unable to "secure." Given that no one has been able to define how much protection or cybersecurity is required to either protect critical infrastructures and/or secure cyberspace; a proactive critical infrastructure — and by extension — national preparedness and security condition, validated by an objectively measurable and universally accepted success metric is now an imperative. Accordingly, thethis presentation and discussion will focus on the means to achieve and sustain Critical Infrastructure Resilience and in the process of doing so: Corrupt "The Predators View," lower American infrastructure target values, correct the Nation's cyber-reliant preparedness trajectory and ensure the safety, security, quality of life and future for this and generations of Americans' to follow