August 29th, 2019

  Presented by Alchemy Technology Group

Data breaches continue to dominate mainstream media, impacting millions of consumers and costing millions of dollars for the liable parties. With the acceleration of Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms, the Cyber Security world has evolved from vandalism, to theft, and now all-out war. The bad actors have become extremely creative in compromising credentials to impersonate users, infiltrate environments, and collect confidential data. The value proposition of "anytime, anywhere, any device" access sounds great in principal, but often presents extreme risk in practice. A formal identity strategy provides a backdrop to extend corporate policy well beyond the walls of the corporate office, offering flexibility to embrace evolving technology without compromising security posture. In this session Alchemy Technology Group will outline 10 principles for a successful Cyber Security strategy, with a focus on identity's role as the new perimeter.