July 15th, 2021

  Presented by Scott Taylor • Principal Consultant, MetaMeta Consulting

Data leaders must create a compelling narrative to evangelize their data management programs and secure long-term support from enterprise stakeholders and business leadership. Data management leaders who seek to improve soft skills and execute simple storytelling techniques will be more likely to gain a rightful place for their initiatives on their organization's strategic plan. Join this presentation and learn:

  • Why you need a Data Management Narrative vs other Data Storytelling and Data Literacy Efforts
  • Why Data Management is Macro-Trend agnostic
  • Leveraging the 3Vs: Vocabulary, Voice, and Vision

Scott Taylor, The Data Whisperer, has helped countless companies by enlightening business executives to the strategic value of proper data management. He focuses on business alignment and the “strategic WHY” rather than system implementation and the “technical HOW.” As Principal Consultant for MetaMeta Consulting, he helps enterprises and tech brands tell their data story.

An avid business evangelist and original thinker, he continually shares his passion for the strategic value of master data through industry events, public speaking, blogs, videos, whitepapers, podcasts, cartoons, puppet shows, and all forms of thought leadership. His new book Telling Your Data Story: Data Storytelling for Data Management is available now.