[1 CPE] How AI Can Think Like an Attacker

  Presented by Darktrace

In the face of skyrocketing cyber risk, detecting and responding to attacks is no longer enough. Organizations must take proactive steps to prevent threats before they happen and to recover if compromised. In this session, we’ll unveil an ambitious new approach to security, with core engines powering AI technologies to prevent, detect, respond, and ultimately heal from attacks. Together, these engines combine to strengthen organizations’ security posture in a virtuous AI feedback ‘loop,’ which provides powerful end-to-end, bespoke, and self-learning solutions unique to each organization.

[1 CPE] Breaking the Ransomware Attack Chain

  Presented by Akamai

Despite consistent increases in security spending, ransomware remains an ever-growing threat to businesses. Surprisingly, the ransomware itself, the malware that does the encryption, is only a part of a larger, equally dangerous, attack chain. Considering the entire chain offers defenders more opportunities to thwart the attack before mass encryption can occur.

In this session, we’ll provide details on how microsegmentation can prevent adversarial techniques that precede and follow the deployment of ransomware itself. By turning our attention to the entire kill chain, a path towards minimizing the likelihood, impact, and recovery time of ransomware becomes clear.

In this session you will learn:

  • Practical steps you can take to disrupt the kill chain before ransomware can be deployed
  • How to leverage AI to map complex environments and expedite the path towards policy enforcement that drastically reduces the impact of ransomware
  • How advancements in host-based segmentation are helping businesses achieve an infrastructure that enables rapid remediation of ransomware events without disrupting business operations

Join Speaker Chris McIntosh, GCSA/GCSE SE Akamai Segmentation

  • Sr Solutions Engineer, Pacific Northwest Akamai Segmentation
  • 19 years working in IT, last 4+ focused in Networking, Security
  • Positions include Support, Admin and Systems Engineer
  • Networking, Storage, Security, and Backup background

[1 CPE] Microsoft 365 Security Best Practices

  Presented by CompuNet

Migrating to the M365 relieves many burdens from IT administrators – fewer servers to manage, no more patching, fewer arguments with the network team over whose fault that latest outage is. Unfortunately, M365 still operates under a shared responsibility model and part of your team’s responsibility is ensuring appropriate security controls are in place.

In this session, we will discuss general security around M365. We will cover some of the major security settings that always require attention and discuss some others that may need to be tailored to your specific environment.

[1 CPE] Co-Managed IT: The Modern MSP Relationship

  Presented by Exbabylon

A pragmatic conversation about what the modern relationship should look like between internal IT teams and external consultants, MSPs, MSSPs and VARs. As organizations embark on digital transformation journeys that require a cloud forward approach, the skills, competencies, and experience of a strategic partner who can collaborate and build initiatives becomes more apparent and important. Navigating the shifting expectations of IT Leadership as business demands evolve and change from the team that just keeps the network up to their new role as a business influencer through data intelligence, business intelligence, automation, and big data/AI.

[1 CPE] Cyber Security: A National Threat

  Presented by Arctic Wolf

When searching for vulnerable targets, cyber hackers do not care how big or small your company is. As world events continue to unfold in China and Russia, cyber warfare has become a national threat to American companies.

Join Arctic Wolf’s session to learn how IT leaders can be proactive, rather than reactive to protect their companies from cyber hackers.

[1 CPE] Protecting Your Data from Ransomware Where it Lives: Your Last Line of Defense

  Presented by Hitachi Vantara

If an attack happens and it makes it all the way to your data, then they have already broken through all of your walls. Where your data lives IS your last line of defense, which is why the Armed Forces that protects the USA trusts Hitachi to protect them. Prevention is great and all but without that last line of defense, you’re a sitting duck. Attend this session to learn how Hitachi serves as your last line of defense against ransomware attacks.

[1 CPE] Securing a Distributed Network with ZTNA and a Cybersecurity Mesh Platform

  Presented by Fortinet

Securing connected resources and the different pieces of a distributed network can be challenging. Join this session to explore the advantages of using a ZTNA architecture to provide secure, application-based access over the traditional VPN access most enterprises use today. We’ll also examine how employing Gartner’s Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture can simplify Network and Security operations.

[1 CPE] SOC Transformation

  Presented by Structured & Palo Alto Networks

Ransomware is on the rise and cyberattacks are getting more sophisticated. Despite investments in infrastructure security tools, cybercriminals are still getting through to the data. And when they take the data down, they take down the entire organization—and hold it for ransom or exfiltration. As the importance of data grows, we need to trust our data is safe and resilient, no matter where it resides. It’s time for a new approach.

[1 CPE] The InfoSec Talent Shortage That Wasn’t

  Presented by Critical Start

The experts agree: there isn’t nearly enough cyber security talent out there. But what if all the experts, news stories, conference talks, and board room conversations are wrong? What if there is more than enough cyber security talent to get organizations what they need to be successful, secure, and in a reasonable budget? In this presentation, Critical Start’s Senior Security Consultant, Alex Humphrey, will discuss ways to hire, train, and retain great cyber security talent, move business objectives forward, and keep the organization secure – all without breaking the bank.

[1 CPE] Protecting Your Data from Ransomware Where it Lives: Your Last Line of Defense

  Presented by Hitachi Vantara

If an attack happens and it makes it all the way to your data, then they have already broken through all of your walls. Where your data lives IS your last line of defense, which is why the Armed Forces that protects the USA trusts Hitachi to protect them. Prevention is great and all but without that last line of defense, you’re a sitting duck. Attend this session to learn how Hitachi serves as your last line of defense against ransomware attacks.