[1 CPE] Open-Source Developers Are Security’s New Front Line

  Presented by Sonatype

Bad actors have recognized the power of open source and are now beginning to create their own attack opportunities. This new form of assault, where OSS project credentials are compromised and malicious code is intentionally injected into open-source libraries, allows hackers to poison the well. In this session, Sonatype will explain how both security and developers must work together to stop this trend or risk losing the entire open-source ecosystem.

  • Analyze and detail the events leading to today’s “all-out” attack on the OSS industry
  • Define what the future of open source looks like in today’s new normal
  • Outline how developers can step into the role of security to protect themselves and the millions of people depending on them

[1 CPE] Top 10 Myths and Misconceptions About Ransomware

  Presented by Bitdefender

2021 was “the year of ransomware.” But so were 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 – and so far, 2022 is not very different. Ransomware is no longer a problem discussed only in the cybersecurity and tech communities – it is now a regular topic in mainstream media headlines and executive board meetings.

So why is ransomware such a menace, and why can we not seem to get rid of it? One of the reasons is that we seem to miss the continued evolution of ransomware. We keep preparing for the last war. Ransomware in 2022 is very different than ransomware in 2017, yet we still treat it the same way.

Roy Correa, Enterprise Field Engineer will help you to learn more about:

  • Ransomware evolution and what we need to un-learn to effectively combat it
  • The most common myths, misunderstandings, and misconceptions about ransomware and the threat actors behind it
  • The most effective tips to become more cyber resilient and prevent security incidents from turning into catastrophic breaches

[1 CPE] Breaking the Ransomware Attack Chain

  Presented by Akamai

Despite consistent increases in security spending, ransomware remains an ever-growing threat to businesses. Surprisingly, the ransomware itself, the malware that does the encryption, is only a part of a larger, equally dangerous, attack chain. Considering the entire chain offers defenders more opportunities to thwart the attack before mass encryption can occur.

In this session, we’ll provide details on how microsegmentation can prevent adversarial techniques that precede and follow the deployment of ransomware itself. By turning our attention to the entire kill chain, a path towards minimizing the likelihood, impact, and recovery time of ransomware becomes clear.

In this session you will learn:

  • Practical steps you can take to disrupt the kill chain before ransomware can be deployed
  • How to leverage AI to map complex environments and expedite the path towards policy enforcement that drastically reduces the impact of ransomware
  • How advancements in host-based segmentation are helping businesses achieve an infrastructure that enables rapid remediation of ransomware events without disrupting business operations

Join Speaker Chris McIntosh, GCSA/GCSE SE Akamai Segmentation

  • Sr Solutions Engineer, Pacific Northwest Akamai Segmentation
  • 19 years working in IT, last 4+ focused in Networking, Security
  • Positions include Support, Admin and Systems Engineer
  • Networking, Storage, Security, and Backup background

[1 CPE] Stopping Attacks, Not Your Business: AI & Autonomous Response

  Presented by Darktrace

With cyber-attackers continuously searching for new ways to outpace security teams, it can lead to a struggle to fight back without disrupting business operations. Join this session to explore the benefits of Autonomous Response as a must-have that goes beyond ‘defense,’ including real-world threat finds and attack scenarios.

[1 CPE] Who’s Attacking You?

  Presented by Critical Insight

One of the most common questions from IT Leaders and Executives is: Who would attack our organization and why?

In this panel discussion, we’ll examine the most common cyberattack perpetrators and their methods. From hostile Nation-States to teenagers to some threat actors you might not expect. We will discuss the methods these attackers are using to gain access to your networks, be it unpatched systems, newly found zero days, as well as other avenues into your network. Also covered will be the intent of these attacks, whether it is to steal your intellectual property, extort your cryptocurrency, or to disrupt your operation to meet strategic goals. Most importantly, we will discuss how to tell the difference, and how to protect yourself.

[1 CPE] 2022 Threat Review

  Presented by Malwarebytes

The Malwarebytes 2022 Threat Review is an annual report on the latest threats, attack trends, and privacy breaches impacting individuals, organizations, and national security. Researchers detail threat intelligence across operating systems and examine how privacy has shifted and the ways that cybercriminals and crimes are evolving. With a stronger understanding of the threat landscape, organizations and individuals can make more informed security and cyber-protection decisions.

[1 CPE] The Journey of Your Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Practice

  Presented by Fortinet

Many questions come to mind when looking at how and what to focus on and prioritize when you wish to security your company’s IT infrastructure from the Bad Actors. How do you know what to choose and when? What’s your best value for your investment? How does this evolve to keep up with the ever-changing cybersecurity space? What does a basic roadmap look like? Learn how to start the process and address these concerns, get ideas for yourself to allow you a future plan to secure your IT space, whether its on-premises, co-located, in the Cloud, SaaS, or a workforce of mobile/remote employees.

[1 CPE] Shifting Security Left: DevSecOps

  Presented by Optiv

The ever-increasing pace and pressure for developers to ship code aren’t going to slow, and within many organizations, security is often an afterthought. The impact is products that have security bolted on at the end, impacting user experience, frustrating developers and security engineers, all while leaving security vulnerabilities open for exploiting. Organizations must find ways to meet security requirements while not causing the development teams to get bogged down and delay code delivery.

Ed Lewis, Orchestration and Automation Practice Director at Optiv, will share strategies and approaches his clients use to address common DevSecOps challenges such as poor security collaboration between siloed teams, scaling secrets management, limited automation, tool and process redundancies, and more.

[1 CPE] Hacking Like a White Hat Wizard

  Presented by Check Point

Harry Potter-themed talk track about the similarities of Magic and Hacking and some of the more magical moments from Check Point Research from 2021. Discussing companies turning a blind eye to cybercrime: “If you ignore it, if you don’t learn about it, you won’t be able to protect yourself from it.”

David Hobbs currently serves in the Office of the CTO at Check Point while also managing Security Engineering in the Pacific Northwest. With over 25 years of experience, David has served as a consultant to numerous Federal and State Agencies, including the FBI, US Army Counterintelligence, Secret Service, and many private investigation companies.

David is certified on several technology platforms including Firewalls, IPS/IDS, UTM, Malware Prevention, and Encryption technologies, and has a deep understanding of security and networking overall. In addition to his technical expertise, David served as an expert in several practice areas including exploit research, penetration testing, forensic investigation, security countermeasures, wireless and radio security, social engineering, and compliance. David has taught ethical hacking to some of the largest national organizations and has been published in many articles and publications.

[1 CPE] The InfoSec Talent Shortage That Wasn’t

  Presented by Critical Start

The experts agree: there isn’t nearly enough cyber security talent out there. But what if all the experts, news stories, conference talks, and board room conversations are wrong? What if there is more than enough cyber security talent to get organizations what they need to be successful, secure, and in a reasonable budget? In this presentation, Critical Start’s Senior Security Consultant, Alex Humphrey, will discuss ways to hire, train, and retain great cyber security talent, move business objectives forward, and keep the organization secure – all without breaking the bank.