[1 CPE] Ransomware Resilience: Best Practices to Prepare, Mitigate, and Recover

  Presented by Zerto

Large organizations are still being forced to pay ransoms due to ransomware attacks. Disruptions to services and supply chains are putting ransomware victims in the news under a negative spotlight. Join recovery and resilience experts from Zerto to discuss best practices to minimize downtime and avoid paying ransoms by being prepared. In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Ransomware 101: A breakdown of a ransomware attack and how it affects systems
  • What steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of attacks on your system
  • How to best choose a recovery solution for ransomware
  • How you can best harden your recovery systems against attacks
  • How to create a recovery plan to react and recovery quickly
  • How a company hit twice by ransomware improved recovery time from weeks to minutes by planning ahead

[1 CPE] Situational Awareness Into the Dark Web

  Presented by Check Point Software

In our journey through this session, we take you through the evolution, goals, and motivation of the Dark Web. We will share with you what and whom you can find on the platforms as well as the major conflicts individuals face while exploring this web. The session also exposes you to the syndicates and structures running on the platforms. Surprisingly, we see how those groups were among the first to embrace and implement Blockchain technology and created a major global demand for crypto currencies. This is the time to listen, learn, and be exposed to the deepest secrets of the Dark Web.

[1 CPE] Drive Digital Transformation with Offices of the CIO and CISO Collaboration

  Presented by Secureworks

The last 18 months have seen IT organizations rapidly move workloads to the cloud, support hybrid work, and drive end user adoption of new business applications. But without a robust security structure integrated into these new architectures, companies leave themselves at risk.

In this session, learn first-hand from the partnership between the Offices of the CIO and CISO at Secureworks on how to:

  • Align IT initiatives to security transformation programs
  • Reduce the complexity of implementing new digital initiatives by aligning security models early
  • Protect their organization’s critical data through early threat detection and response

[1 CPE] Zero-Trust Architectures

  Presented by Rubrik

Organizations have invested heavily in IT security, attempting to fortify their perimeter, network, endpoint, and application protections. Despite these investments, hackers are successfully penetrating these defenses and targeting enterprise data, including backup data. Ransomware is starting to specifically target online backups by encrypting or deleting them. If your organization was the target of an attack today, how do you know what data was impacted and where? Manually sifting through millions of files and comparing each snapshot consumes FTE time and prolongs recovery exponentially. Mass restores of the entire environment could mean high data loss and weeks’ worth of work down the drain. In this session, we will discuss how to protect your last line of defense, the backups. We will walk through the anatomy of a recovery, the best practices, and advanced tools to ensure you will not have to pay a ransom, and how to quickly recover your data to continue business operations.

[1 CPE] Security at the Edge of Hybrid Work

  Presented by Citrix Systems

Robust and secured internet connectivity is essential to delivering on the promises of hybrid work. From defining the scope of experience across the workforce to protecting privileged and administrative access, evolved technologies and protective measures are required from the browser to the cloud. This session will help you understand how security at the edge combined with robust application access management and secured browser solutions enable the security outcomes essential to hybrid work.

[1 CPE] Thinking Upstream About White House Cybersecurity Executive Order 14028

  Presented by Tidelift

A few months ago, the U.S. White House released cybersecurity executive order 14028, an attempt by the United States government to use its purchasing power to create positive changes to the way cybersecurity is addressed around the world.

Recent high-profile breaches like the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack or the SolarWinds software supply chain attack have shown that our cybersecurity defenses are woefully inadequate. This executive order forces a higher standard of cybersecurity for any organization selling software to the federal government, which in turn makes it the de facto global standard for all software in the future.

Tidelift CEO and co-founder Donald Fischer shares his perspective on how the cybersecurity executive order impacts software supply chain security. He’ll brief attendees on the key issues addressed by the executive order, including software bill of materials (SBOM), supply chain security, and provenance requirements. He’ll outline the gaps that most organizations will need to close to stay in compliance. And he’ll share a proactive approach to addressing open-source software supply chain health and security upstream.

If you want to ensure your organization is fully prepared for the coming changes, you won’t want to miss this session.

[1 CPE] Cybersecurity Market Trends and MDR

  Presented by Bitdefender

Mobile workforces were already an increasing trend in business even before we all had to deal with sending our teams home during the pandemic. As many of us work through our return to office plans with hope in our hearts, it is clear that the remote work trend has intensified and will likely continue to do so in the future.

Remote work has challenged traditional security approaches and forced us to think harder about how we can best support the changing nature of work. Thankfully, many of the technology, process, and people changes needed to support remote workers have significant benefits in our overall security posture.

For this session, we’ll talk about trends our security operations center saw in remote work environments and their impact on security operations, discuss theories around how to plan and support these workers, and talk about technology approaches that may help your organization support these workers better while improving your overall security posture.

[1 CPE] Shifting Cloud Architecture Left – Best Practices for Securing Cloud Deployments

  Presented by Trend Micro

As Infrastructure as Code becomes the norm for new cloud deployments, how can you accelerate your teams in building better? The AWS Well-Architected Framework is a great place to start for your planning but what if there was a way to continuously monitor how your deployment stacks up?

In this session, you’ll hear from Jason Dablow, a senior cloud security advisor with Trend Micro, on resources and tips to not only increase the security of your cloud deployments but also easy integration tips to move this implementation left into your teams using infrastructure as code. Automated. Integrated. Flexible.

[1 CPE] Lessons to Share: An Expert’s Guide to Ransomware Remediation

  Presented by Brian Miller • Co-Founder and CEO, FusionTek

If ransomware makes it past your front line of defense, what’s your next move?

Many businesses get caught in situations where they believe the classic line “this will never happen to me.” That may be true until it does happen to them. From there, a series of unfortunate events will unroll, leaving the business vulnerable to large ransoms which they may or may not be able to pay. Don’t be this business.

This past year, our incident response team has worked on several ransomware remediation projects, and through this effort learned more about how ransomware is deployed. During this presentation, we are going to walk you through how ransomware has changed over time, help you understand what a hacker looks for nowadays, and actionable protection steps to take.

In this presentation you will learn about:

  • The evolution of ransomware
  • Common characteristics of infection
  • A hacker’s typical timetable
  • Recommended actions for remediation

Brian Miller is the co-founder and CEO of FusionTek. He has over 20 years of IT service experience and co-founded FusionTek in 2007. He is focused on delivering advanced cybersecurity and productivity solutions to FusionTek’s clients.

[1 CPE] The Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack

  Presented by Red Canary

In this presentation, we walk through the Anatomy of a Ransomware Attack. Bobby Mazzotti will lead the discussion on best practices and strategies you can apply at your organization. In this webinar, security leaders will learn:

  • How to enhance your team’s abilities to identify security incidents
  • The key components of a ransomware attack
  • Effective ways to improve your security program