[1 CPE] Leveraging Assessment Findings to Harden Your Security Perimeter

  Presented by Fortinet

Are you regularly evaluating your network security?

Performing assessments is a tried-and-true method for improving your security posture, but they can be a daunting task for network security staff who are often short on manpower, expertise, and/or time. Regardless, the benefits of running assessments almost always outweigh any potential drawbacks. Having a security assessment in hand will increase your security situational awareness and significantly impact your organization’s risk preparedness and mitigation.

Join us as we discuss the importance of periodically validating your existing security controls and provide learnings and best practices from our experts.

[1 CPE] 2021 State of Malware

  Presented by Malwarebytes

Over the past year, the tools and tactics of cybercrime and cybersecurity adapted against a backdrop of enormous changes to our lives and businesses.

Join us to learn how cybercrime evolved in 2020 and identify ways to safeguard your organization against what’s out there.

We’ll explore:

  • Top threats for businesses and consumers
  • Emerging cybercrime trends and tactics
  • Solutions you can employ to thwart future attacks

[1 CPE] How True Zero-Trust Accelerates Digital Transformation: Customer Cases

  Presented by WootCloud

As the IoT, WFH, and 5G megatrends make traditional network-centric security inadequate, new tools and processes to truly enable zero-trust best practices are essential to achieve secure digital transformation.

On top of this, teams are being asked to automate, analyze, and secure more with existing tools and manual processes. Users and their devices need intelligent access controls baselined on behavior, assets requested, and roles, whether they are corporate-managed or unmanaged.

We are excited to share how tech-forward organizations in education, healthcare, utilities, and more get 100% device and infrastructure visibility across RF or networks with intelligent analysis and remediation to help save their teams time and money to spend on important projects while achieving true Zero-Trust, all at IoT scale.

[1 CPE] Security Operations Center: Build Your Own or SOCaaS

  Presented by High Point Networks

Learn how Security Operations as a Service (SOCaaS) may be a good option for your business. In this session, we will compare and contrast many non-product specific aspects of SOCaaS and traditional Security Information and Events Management (SIEM’s) systems using first- hand real-world examples; the good, bad, and ugly. The purpose of this presentation is to equip the audience with enough knowledge so they can make a more informed decision regarding a traditional SIEM/SOC approach, or SOCaaS approach, when building a Security Operations Center. Presenter Dean Sheley recently lead an initiative to build a Central Security Operations Center for a statewide multi-university educational system while CISO for that state-wide university system.

[1 CPE] The Montana Cybersecurity Report

  Presented by Pine Cove Consulting & Sophos

Each year, Pine Cove Consulting analyzes data reported to the Montana Department of Justice. This report shows how many Montanans fell victim to a data breach, how many organizations fell victim to a data breach that affected Montanans, and the average length of data breaches in Montana. In this presentation, we will share our findings and compare the statistics we have observed year over year to find trends. This is the only report produced that analyzes Montana-specific cybersecurity statistics. If you are an IT leader, business executive, or educator, we strongly recommend attending our breakout session so you can be aware of the cyber-threats right here in our backyard.

We will also be joined by Sophos Security who will share how these statistics relate to national and worldwide cybersecurity trends.

[1 CPE] How Zero-Trust Enables the Future of “Work from Anywhere” Secure Access

  Presented by Duo Security

The perimeter-focused security model of decades past is no longer adequate for securing the modern enterprise. Now, organizations must secure a mobile workforce using a mix of corporate-owned and personal devices to access cloud-based applications and services, often from outside corporate networks — and this trend only accelerated during 2020’s global shift to remote work. Fortunately, a modern access strategy built on zero-trust fundamentals can defend today’s workforce while paving the way to a passwordless future. Attend this session to learn how the zero-trust access model works, reduce your reliance on passwords and risk of password-based attacks, and how to start planning and staging your zero-trust evolution today.

[1 CPE] What Got Us Here, Won’t Get Us to Where We’re Going…

  Presented by Aruba, a HPE Company

Over the past couple of decades, we’ve relied on a certain predictable and repeatable model of expectations from our infrastructure that has delivered. However, the demands of Digital Transformation, the pace of change, the capabilities within our teams — and of course the pandemic — have created business pressures that traditional ways of building and security infrastructure just can’t keep pace with.

The time is now to reflect, reset, and embrace a different way that will increase agility and flexibility as well as enhance performance and security. Lose the baggage of the past, travel light, and let’s chart a course for the journey ahead.

[1 CPE] Situational Awareness Into the Dark Web

  Presented by Check Point Software

In our journey through this session, we take you through the evolution, goals, and motivation of the Dark Web. We will share with you what and whom you can find on the platforms as well as the major conflicts individuals face while exploring this web. The session also exposes you to the syndicates and structures running on the platforms. Surprisingly, we see how those groups were among the first to embrace and implement Blockchain technology and created a major global demand for crypto currencies. This is the time to listen, learn, and be exposed to the deepest secrets of the Dark Web.

[1 CPE] Ransomware In Focus: How AI Surgically Contains the Threat

  Presented by Darktrace

In the immediate aftermath of a ransomware attack, executives too often face a difficult dilemma: either pay a ransom or shut down critical systems and services. In today’s increasingly complex digital ecosystems, the collateral damage that ensues from ransomware attacks can be broad-ranging and destructive, with organizations taking days, weeks, or even months to recover.

But what if there was another way out – a way to surgically contain ransomware in its earliest stages, without disrupting normal business operations? Join this presentation to learn how Cyber AI is helping thousands of organizations fight back against ransomware. We’ll discuss:

  • The impact of ‘double-extortion’ ransomware and ‘ransomware-as-a-service’
  • Real-world examples of ransomware detected by Cyber AI
  • How self-learning AI responds proportionately to ransomware, thanks to its deep understanding of an organization’s pattern of life

[1 CPE] What Got Us Here, Won’t Get Us to Where We’re Going…

  Presented by Aruba, a HPE Company

Over the past couple of decades, we’ve relied on a certain predictable and repeatable model of expectations from our infrastructure that has delivered. However, the demands of Digital Transformation, the pace of change, the capabilities within our teams — and of course the pandemic — have created business pressures that traditional ways of building and security infrastructure just can’t keep pace with.

The time is now to reflect, reset, and embrace a different way that will increase agility and flexibility as well as enhance performance and security. Lose the baggage of the past, travel light, and let’s chart a course for the journey ahead.