MFA is not a Four Letter Word

  Presented by JourneyTEAM

Securing identities is at the core of an intelligent cloud deployment. Learn how to plan and implement one of the most important security measures in Office 365, MFA! We will teach you tips and tricks on how to successfully deploy MFA without your users hating it and you will get the latest updates around usability for an MFA deployment.

Architecting the New SD-WAN Edge for the Cloud-First Enterprise

  Presented by Silver Peak Systems

Adoption of cloud services has driven enterprises to re-think WAN architecture. Architectures based on traditional, manually-programmed routers can’t keep pace. A business-driven SD-WAN can provide secure direct connections from the branch to SaaS/IaaS across the internet, significantly increasing application performance resulting in a superior end-user QoEx (Quality of Experience). By integrating SD-WAN, WAN optimization, routing and security in a single unified platform, enterprises can simplify branch WAN edge architecture, accelerating time to value and dramatically reducing operational costs. From a centralized SD-WAN orchestrator, application priorities and QoS and security policies may be configured and assigned to automate traffic handling across the WAN. A single mouse click distributes SD-WAN configuration parameters to all sites, improving operational efficiency and minimizing the potential for human errors that can negatively impact application availability and enterprise security. This session will describe why SD-WAN adoption continues at a breakneck pace because of the user productivity, agility and cost savings benefits that a business-driven SD-WAN delivers.

Digital to Physical: Real-World Impact of Security Risks in Industries Using IIoT

  Presented by Trend Micro

This presentation will talk about research on radio remote controllers used in industrial settings, and how they can be used for attacks in this environment. This will shed light on how a cyberattack can inflict physical damage or harm. The goal is to inspire the audience to think outside the box in terms of what can be compromised and impose a sense of urgency in the IoT/IIoT security space.

The Current Malware Threat Landscape & Enterprise Grade Remediation

  Presented by Malwarebytes

Malware has become one of the biggest threat challenges faced by security and IT teams. Malwarebytes Labs conducts extensive proprietary research and analysis. The findings are periodically published to help security teams better understand the nature and evolution of these threats.

This presentation will cover key findings from our newly released annual report. It will highlight malware category trends and discuss new and emerging threats to be on the watch for. There will also be a discussion of industry best practices and technologies that can help your business to prevent, detect, and remediate these threats.

Attendees will leave with insight into the current malware threat landscape, as well as an understanding of steps they can take to mitigate breaches.

Adapting to Fight Back: How Cyber AI Neutralizes Never-Before-Seen Threats

  Presented by Darktrace

In a world that is increasingly digital, cyber-attack has become the most significant risk confronting today’s businesses, smart cities, and critical infrastructure. Online crime cost the world more than half a trillion dollars last year, while recent attacks have managed to influence the U.S. presidential election and disrupt the Ukrainian power supply. This troubling state of affairs is the product of several fundamental weaknesses with the traditional approach to cyber defense, which relies on predefining what threats look like at a time when criminals launch never-before-seen attacks daily. Moreover, these attacks increasingly strike at machine-speed, preventing security professionals from responding before their damage is done.

Cyber Security in 2019

  Presented by Fortinet

In today’s quickly evolving technical landscape, defending networks from known and unknown threats is more critical than ever before. Join speaker Cory Sober, Systems Engineering Manager from Fortinet as he discusses how to concentrate the value of your security-related investments towards leveraging cyber security solutions as key business enablers that deliver highly reliable, fast and secure services to end-users no matter their locale, device type or level of security awareness.

If You Don’t Protect the Key, Don’t Encrypt the Data

  Presented by nCipher Security

For over 2000 years, governments, armies, businesses and lovers have been encrypting messages. For the same amount of time, the keys used to perform the encryption have been the weakest link in the chain. After 2000 years, technology has advanced such that the keys can be protected but many companies don’t understand how important it really is. We will explain in an entertaining (and sometimes graphic) fashion why protecting the encryption key is more important than the encryption itself.

AI: Demystifying the Dark Arts to Combat Threats  

  Presented by Vanguard Infrastructures & HPE

To combat the latest threats, cyber security vendors have no choice but to use one of the most powerful tools to emerge in decades – Artificial Intelligence. But critics are right in their concerns over the interpretability of AI solutions. How do we learn to trust the magic black boxes when even the experts can’t explain the answers produced by AI? What is AI, and how is it different than data science and machine learning? What does it mean when a cyber-security solution is AI-enabled? What are the important things to know about the different AI implementations as they relate to cyber security products? How do I trust the output / results of AI? Join us as we provide an AI primer through the lens of cyber security and dissipate the cloudiness caused by buzzwords.


  • Troy Cooper • Vanguard Infrastructures CEO Co-Founder

Panel Experts:

  • Vijay Richard • Vanguard Infrastructures Exec VP Co-Founder
  • Chris Kauffman • Vanguard Infrastructures Chief AI Strategist
  • Ann Hinkle • Vanguard Infrastructures Chief of Security Services
  • Dan Roessner • Vanguard Infrastructures Facility Security Officer

The Current Malware Threat Landscape & Enterprise Grade Remediation

  Presented by Malwarebytes

Malware has become one of the biggest threat challenges faced by security and IT teams. Malwarebytes Labs conducts extensive proprietary research and analysis. The findings are periodically published to help security teams better understand the nature and evolution of these threats.

This presentation will cover key findings from our newly released annual report. It will highlight malware category trends and discuss new and emerging threats to be on the watch for. There will also be a discussion of industry best practices and technologies that can help your business to prevent, detect, and remediate these threats.

Attendees will leave with insight into the current malware threat landscape, as well as an understanding of steps they can take to mitigate breaches.

Why Does Ransomware Continue to Evade Our Defenses?

  Presented by Nyotron

Ransomware has long been a menace for organizations and consumers. Global damage cost estimates reach about 10 billion USD per year. After all these years, why does ransomware continue to be so good at being so bad?

In this seminar, we will review the security industry’s history of largely ineffective responses to ransomware. We will discuss standard ransomware detection methods with their pros and cons. You will see how ransomware developers use simple techniques to bypass each of those methods. This live session will also highlight some of the latest attacks, including Norsk Hydro and ransomware pretending to donate your Bitcoins to a children’s charity.

After examining the bad, we will provide you with a no-nonsense defense strategy for hardening your defenses against ransomware.