SIEM: Past, Present, and Future

  Presented by Fortinet

The IT environment is in constant evolution and it’s getting more complex. As a result, organizations are investing in integrating SOCs (Security Operation Center) to improve the visibility, detection, and automated remediation of security events. In this presentation, we will review the history of SIEM and discuss selection criteria that will help organizations analyzing different SIEM tools.

Stop Wasting $$ On Cybersecurity!

  Presented by C Spire

Businesses are being urged from every direction to increase their cybersecurity spend and most of them think that is a good idea. Meanwhile, venture capital investment in security companies is at an all-time high creating an overwhelming catalog of products from an ever-increasing number of vendors and believe me — both vendors and investors think that increasing cybersecurity spend is a good idea. Add all of that to the fact that doing security right at scale is really difficult…and our cybersecurity problems are admittedly a hard nut to crack.

If you have a near endless budget to throw at your information security woes, this presentation is not for you. This presentation is for business stakeholders who want the highest return on investment per cybersecurity dollar and for those in the trenches who want actionable technical and non-technical recommendations to close gaps in your organization’s security posture.

Critical Capabilities for Managing Digital Risk

  Presented by RSA

Is your business rapidly adopting new technologies to keep pace with the competition? If so, you undoubtedly are experiencing new and increased digital risks related to cyber-attacks, cloud, third parties and a changing workforce. In some cases, managing these risks may require different ways of thinking and a different approach. Discover what’s driving these new risks and what critical capabilities you need to master, so that your business can innovate without limits.

AI: Demystifying the Dark Arts to Combat Threats  

  Presented by Vanguard Infrastructures & HPE

To combat the latest threats, cyber security vendors have no choice but to use one of the most powerful tools to emerge in decades – Artificial Intelligence. But critics are right in their concerns over the interpretability of AI solutions. How do we learn to trust the magic black boxes when even the experts can’t explain the answers produced by AI? What is AI, and how is it different than data science and machine learning? What does it mean when a cyber-security solution is AI-enabled? What are the important things to know about the different AI implementations as they relate to cyber security products? How do I trust the output / results of AI? Join us as we provide an AI primer through the lens of cyber security and dissipate the cloudiness caused by buzzwords.


  • Troy Cooper • Vanguard Infrastructures CEO Co-Founder

Panel Experts:

  • Vijay Richard • Vanguard Infrastructures Exec VP Co-Founder
  • Chris Kaufman • Vanguard Infrastructures Chief AI Strategist
  • Ann Hinkle • Vanguard Infrastructure Chief of Security Services
  • Scott Olsen • HPE Enterprise Architect

Zero Trust with Micro-Segmentation: Doing It the Right Way

  Presented by Guardicore

In the modern, hyper-connected and threat-laden enterprise landscape, organizations face increasing pressure to protect their systems and data.

Originally conceived in 2010, the zero-trust security concept has recently gained new ground and is now seen as a vital element of enterprise information security. It is a model that aids user and device verification, strengthens authentication processes and ensures encryption.
However, zero trust is not without its challenges, and mastering the art of zero trust takes strategic management and forethought.

In this session, we will explore the concept of zero trust, assess why it is needed in the modern enterprise and outline how micro-segmentation can help win the zero trust race for organizations.

Key takeaways:

  • Why there is a need for zero trust
  • The challenges of implementing zero trust
  • The four high-level principles of zero trust
  • How micro-segmentation can help you prepare for, implement and manage zero trust in your organization

Leveraging AI to Defend Against Insider Threats in Your Digital Landscape

  Presented by Vanguard Infrastructures & HPE

The single largest vulnerability to a company’s intellectual property (IP) is their employee or the trusted insider; the person with the keys to the kingdom. However, recent media and government disclosures have expanded this threat to include machine compromises installed during manufacturing. So, the threat could come from the trusted insider or the machine an unwitting employee is utilizing. Too few companies have a strategy to adequately combat these vulnerabilities, mainly due to a lack of knowledge the events are taking place. Vanguard Infrastructures presents a strategy that marries observed human behaviors, demeanors, actions, etc., with artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist companies by providing data and creating visibility into network events that might be a threat to the company. This presentation’s goal is to put more power into the hands of the company to protect their IP, identify potential problem behaviors of trusted employees and machines, and assist the company in ensuring their future.


  • Troy Cooper • Vanguard Infrastructures CEO Co-Founder

Panel Experts:

  • Vijay Richard • Vanguard Infrastructures Exec VP Co-Founder
  • Chris Kaufman • Vanguard Infrastructures Chief AI Strategist
  • Ann Hinkle • Vanguard Infrastructure Chief of Security Services
  • Scott Olsen • HPE Enterprise Architect

Threats to Public Cloud Workloads

  Presented by Trend Micro

This presentation will revolve around the various threats workloads are susceptible to as more and more organizations shift from on-premise to the cloud. This will focus primarily on public cloud infrastructure but many of the concepts will apply directly to private cloud/on-prem data center infrastructure as well. The goal of the talk is to give the audience a better understanding of the vulnerabilities associated with cloud workloads and mitigation strategies.

Mitigating Cybercrime in your Enterprise

  Presented by Fortinet

The attack surface that enterprises much protect is expanding dramatically. How do you maintain visibility and security of your traffic from IoT to the cloud. We’ll explore the threat vectors that cyber criminals use to penetrate your defenses and the security tools you can use to defend against those attacks.

Adapting to Fight Back: How Cyber AI Neutralizes Never-Before-Seen Threats

  Presented by Darktrace

In a world that is increasingly digital, cyber-attack has become the most significant risk confronting today’s businesses, smart cities, and critical infrastructure. Online crime cost the world more than half a trillion dollars last year, while recent attacks have managed to influence the U.S. presidential election and disrupt the Ukrainian power supply. This troubling state of affairs is the product of several fundamental weaknesses with the traditional approach to cyber defense, which relies on predefining what threats look like at a time when criminals launch never-before-seen attacks daily. Moreover, these attacks increasingly strike at machine-speed, preventing security professionals from responding before their damage is done.

Real-World Impact of Security Risks in Industries Using IIoT 

  Presented by Trend Micro

This presentation will talk about research on radio remote controllers used in industrial settings, and how they can be used for attacks in this environment. This will shed light on how a cyberattack can inflict physical damage or harm. The goal is to inspire the audience to think outside the box in terms of what can be compromised and impose a sense of urgency in the IoT/IIoT security space.