[1 CPE] Who’s Attacking You?

  Presented by Critical Insight

One of the most common questions from IT Leaders and Executives is: Who would attack our organization and why?

In this discussion, we’ll examine the most common cyberattack perpetrators and their methods. From hostile Nation-States to teenagers to some threat actors you might not expect. We will discuss the methods these attackers are using to gain access to your networks, be it unpatched systems, newly found zero days, as well as other avenues into your network. Also covered will be the intent of these attacks, whether it is to steal your intellectual property, extort your cryptocurrency, or to disrupt your operation to meet strategic goals. Most importantly, we will discuss how to tell the difference, and how to protect yourself.

[1 CPE] How to Get the Security Budget You Deserve

  Presented by CYE

Because of the current economic downturn, security leaders are being forced to stretch their budgets further, even as devastating cyberattacks continue to proliferate. Given these challenges, how can CISOs convince their board members to support a robust and effective cybersecurity budget?

In this session moderated by Bryan Hurd, Reuven Aronashvili and Ira Winkler will highlight the best ways to stretch your security budget, including which investments will provide the most bang for your buck. Perhaps most importantly, however, Reuven and Ira will also touch on how CISOs like you can present your security recommendations and successfully receive the budget you deserve.

[1 CPE] Shifting Your Workforce Strategy to Support Your Growing Organization

  Presented by IP Pathways

The technology landscape continues to evolve. Finding cloud talent to architect & build a custom solution continues to be challenging and even harder to retain. Lead times for hardware continue to increase making it hard to support growing businesses. During this session, we will outline the trends being used to supplement your workforce strategy.

[1 CPE] Securing Layer 8

  Presented by Synack

One of the most difficult challenges globally is securing the human element and as such, it tends to be neglected. The current solution of training with “gotcha” emails is not successful and tends to cause unintended negative consequences. We will investigate a more global approach to securing businesses by taking on the “business of hacking.” We’ll show how we can harden the human element and expand our footprint by using a better way to learn and widening our defenses. The key is to ensure we also harden society to help drive the ROI for attackers up enough that business is no longer profitable, forcing them into the technology fight in which, as an industry, security professionals have much more secure footing.

[1 CPE] Co-Managed IT: The Modern MSP Relationship

  Presented by Exbabylon

A pragmatic conversation about what the modern relationship should look like between internal IT teams and external consultants, MSPs, MSSPs and VARs. As organizations embark on digital transformation journeys that require a cloud forward approach, the skills, competencies, and experience of a strategic partner who can collaborate and build initiatives becomes more apparent and important. Navigating the shifting expectations of IT Leadership as business demands evolve and change from the team that just keeps the network up to their new role as a business influencer through data intelligence, business intelligence, automation, and big data/AI.

[1 CPE] Who’s Attacking You?

  Presented by Critical Insight

One of the most common questions from IT Leaders and Executives is: Who would attack our organization and why?

In this panel discussion, we’ll examine the most common cyberattack perpetrators and their methods. From hostile Nation-States to teenagers to some threat actors you might not expect. We will discuss the methods these attackers are using to gain access to your networks, be it unpatched systems, newly found zero days, as well as other avenues into your network. Also covered will be the intent of these attacks, whether it is to steal your intellectual property, extort your cryptocurrency, or to disrupt your operation to meet strategic goals. Most importantly, we will discuss how to tell the difference, and how to protect yourself.

[1 CPE] INNOVATION—Alive and Well in Idaho?

  Presented by Jay Larsen • President, Idaho Technology Council

The purpose of a business is to create and maintain a customer. Idaho businesses need to focus on innovative disruption to meet their customers’ demands today and more importantly, in the future. How are Idaho companies doing with innovation and technology and is Idaho on the upswing?

Jay Larsen is the founder and CEO/President of the Idaho Technology Council, a private sector organization focused on developing the innovative ecosystem in Idaho and helping technology in Idaho and the region start, grow, and thrive. Larsen is a native Idahoan who obtained his BA from Brigham Young University and his MBA from Boise State University.

Telecommunication has been the industry where Jay has spent 22 years of his career, with start-up long-distance companies, and has managed and led teams with US WEST Cellular, AirTouch Cellular, Qwest Communication, and Verizon Wireless in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah. During these 22 years, Larsen led teams pioneering and implementing new wireless technologies. He also managed several mergers and acquisitions. He has served on a U.S. Congressman’s staff as Director of Economic Development.

Jay’s key areas of focus are organizational development, marketing, networks, innovation, and leadership. He has served on several boards focused on helping further Idaho talent and the development of innovation. Some of these boards are Idaho Workforce Development Council, Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance, Boise State University CS Industry Advisory Board, Boise State University Foundation Board, Bronco Athletic Association, Boise State University College of Business and Economics Industry Advisory Board, INBRE Advisory Board, Idaho K-12 CS Leadership Team. Larsen has coached several sports teams and lives in Boise, Idaho with his wife (who has been blessed with four sons) and their Jack Russell terrier.

[1 CPE] The InfoSec Talent Shortage That Wasn’t

  Presented by Critical Start

The experts agree: there isn’t nearly enough cyber security talent out there. But what if all the experts, news stories, conference talks, and board room conversations are wrong? What if there is more than enough cyber security talent to get organizations what they need to be successful, secure, and in a reasonable budget? In this presentation, Critical Start’s Senior Security Consultant, Alex Humphrey, will discuss ways to hire, train, and retain great cyber security talent, move business objectives forward, and keep the organization secure – all without breaking the bank.

[1 CPE] Your Career Path Is Unique to YOU!!

  Presented by Jerry Rapp • Chief Information Officer, Town Pump, Inc.

When I was first exposed to technology, I immediately knew it was my passion. My career focus has always been to be qualified to be a CIO. This goal allowed me to focus on the career growth that I had the most control over. It was never about the title for me, it was about gaining knowledge and providing value day in and day out. I would like to provide you with a view of my unique path: the key interactions; the advice I received – some good, some not so much; many relocations; new job positions; and some good old-fashioned luck. Now that I have been a CIO for seven years, what have I learned? Was it everything I wanted it to be? I encourage you to come to the keynote session to find out.

Jerry Rapp is a 38-year technology veteran and the current CIO of Town Pump Inc. in his hometown of Butte, MT. Jerry started his technical career in the Air Force back in the day when there were no laptops or cell phones, just mainframes. After the Air Force, Jerry attended Montana Technology University in Butte majoring in Information Systems. The majority of Jerry’s career was spent with Fidelity Investments, the largest retirement plan provider in the U.S. After twenty years, five relocations all over the US, and a variety of different roles; he circled back to Butte seven years ago to take on the role of CIO at Town Pump. In his spare time, Jerry is an avid golfer and runner.

[1 CPE] Let Policy Guide Your Team

  Presented by CompuNet

This discussion will cover a set of policies that will address the necessary functions to implement a standard Information Security Management System (ISMS) which aligns with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework for Cybersecurity and provides for compliance with most statutory requirements.