Presented by R.C. Woodson • VP, Information Technology
Doyon Limited
This presentation will help leaders to deliver an IT strategy based on business needs, not just intuition. Furthermore, it is no longer enough to generate a text document and call it an IT strategy. Stakeholder attention spans are growing shorter; in this case it is imperative that IT leaders create a visual IT strategy to show where IT is going. The speed of business is faster than ever before. This means that IT has a limited amount of time to consider business plans, understand their implications, and adapt. Most IT departments lack the skill to develop an IT strategic plan, resulting in a staggering 92% of IT departments surveyed claiming their IT strategies were less than adequate. Organizations spend enormous amounts of money on IT but cannot see its ROI or the value that IT adds to the organization. So, there is a critical need to move away from a superfluous strategic plan to clearly visualize the target state. As IT leaders we must articulate in terms that the business uses to ensure comprehension and compliance.
R.C. has over 30 years of experience in the IT industry, with over 15 years of senior executive experience in providing technology solutions to organizations. He has experience derived from a wide range of industries, both public and private. These industries include logistics, financial services, and the Department of Defense. He has taught information technology and business management courses at local colleges. Currently, R.C. is responsible for establishing, planning, and administering the overall Information Technology strategy, policies, and goals for the Doyon Limited. Doyon is one of the top ten Alaska regional corporations with more than a dozen subsidiary companies across multiple lines of business. Engineering, drilling operations, remote camp services, and security—together, Doyon companies blend expertise and technological muscle in support of smooth, safe, and successful operations in the North Slope oil fields. R.C. is known for his expertise in Strategy & Governance, Security & Risk, Mergers & Acquisitions, Server & Network Architectures, Distributed Systems and Enterprise Resource Application implementations. R.C. has installed, maintained and managed large enterprise resource applications. He is talented in efficiently creating and deploying IT solutions across many business models. He drives results and provides innovative methods to improve both IT operations and clients’ bottom-lines. R.C. mentors and manages IT activities for subsidiary companies as well as the parent company. R.C. was the Spring 2018 Boardroom Events Midmarket CIO Award recipient for his work in solution selection and deployment. His company is currently engaged in transforming the business to adapt improving efficiency across the enterprise while continuing to streamline back-office IT operations. He serves a member of the AVTEC Technology Council and the Alaska InfraGard Board.