[1 CPE] How to Dramatically Transform Employee Satisfaction with Your IT Team

  Presented by Beau Sorensen • Chief Operating Officer, First Choice Home Health & Hospice

One of the most challenging aspects of Information Technology is creating loyalty in your department. IT staff are incredibly smart and can solve almost every problem that comes at them, whether it is a broken computer, a bad connection, or software that isn’t working. Even though they are great at solving problems, IT is often looked at as the department of last resort because people don’t leave a discussion with IT feeling great about the solution. This session will turbocharge your ability to create an IT team that is not just great at problem-solving but is great at both things customers want. You will discover the two things that your customers want and how you and your department can successfully win friends and influence your reputation throughout the organization.

Beau Sorensen is currently the Chief Operating Officer of First Choice Home Health. Beau has over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry and has extensive experience in leading teams, developing software, and training. He has worked with companies around the country, helping them improve results, increase loyalty, and enhance job satisfaction.

[1 CPE] Panel Discussion: Retaining Your IT Staff in Alaska, Can it be Done?

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

“The other company is offering higher wages. I get to work remotely as much as I want, and I am getting a four-day workweek. Sorry but I must take it.” Have you heard this just a few times? So many IT hiring managers are having to find creative ways to keep staff members in-house. While budgets and major company overhauls can’t always be achieved, there are methods that can help.

Alaska has some of the most unique challenges in the country for retaining staff. Join the INTERFACE Advisory Council for an open conversation on how to keep your Alaska IT staff intact. This panel features local area IT hiring managers and leaders that deal with these challenges in their own shops. Bring your questions as there will be an opportunity to get advice on the needs you have.


  • Ulf Asplund, Technical Services Manager, Alaska Court System
  • Jeremy Bloomstrom, Senior Programmer Analyst, Matanuska-Susitna Borough
  • Justin Michaud, Senior Program Manager, Mat-Su Borough School District
  • Janelle Mullen, Chief of Operations for IT Customer Services, AK Dept of Health & Social Services

[1 CPE] Panel: Retaining Your IT Staff in 2023, Can it be Done?

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

“The other company is offering higher wages. I get to work remotely as much as I want, and I am getting a four-day workweek. Sorry but I must take it.” Have you heard this just a few times? So many IT hiring managers are having to find creative ways to keep staff members in-house. While budgets and major company overhauls can’t always be achieved, there are methods that can help.

Join the INTERFACE Portland Advisory Council for an open conversation on how to keep your staff intact. This panel features local area IT hiring managers and leaders that deal with these challenges in their own shops. Bring your questions as there will be an opportunity to get advice on the needs you have.

  • Steve Hankel, Vice President, Information Technology, Johanson Transportation Service
  • Don Hornschuch, Information Technology Manager, OnPoint Community Credit Union
  • Ian Raloff, Sr Applications Systems Engineer, Moda Health
  • Saby Waraich, Chief Information Officer, Clackamas Community College

[1 CPE] Co-Managed IT: The Modern MSP Relationship

  Presented by Exbabylon

A pragmatic conversation about what the modern relationship should look like between internal IT teams and external consultants, MSPs, MSSPs and VARs. As organizations embark on digital transformation journeys that require a cloud forward approach, the skills, competencies, and experience of a strategic partner who can collaborate and build initiatives becomes more apparent and important. Navigating the shifting expectations of IT Leadership as business demands evolve and change from the team that just keeps the network up to their new role as a business influencer through data intelligence, business intelligence, automation, and big data/AI.

[1 CPE] The InfoSec Talent Shortage That Wasn’t

  Presented by Critical Start

The experts agree: there isn’t nearly enough cyber security talent out there. But what if all the experts, news stories, conference talks, and board room conversations are wrong? What if there is more than enough cyber security talent to get organizations what they need to be successful, secure, and in a reasonable budget? In this presentation, Critical Start’s Senior Security Consultant, Alex Humphrey, will discuss ways to hire, train, and retain great cyber security talent, move business objectives forward, and keep the organization secure – all without breaking the bank.

[1 CPE] INNOVATION—Alive and Well in Idaho?

  Presented by Jay Larsen • President, Idaho Technology Council

The purpose of a business is to create and maintain a customer. Idaho businesses need to focus on innovative disruption to meet their customers’ demands today and more importantly, in the future. How are Idaho companies doing with innovation and technology and is Idaho on the upswing?

Jay Larsen is the founder and CEO/President of the Idaho Technology Council, a private sector organization focused on developing the innovative ecosystem in Idaho and helping technology in Idaho and the region start, grow, and thrive. Larsen is a native Idahoan who obtained his BA from Brigham Young University and his MBA from Boise State University.

Telecommunication has been the industry where Jay has spent 22 years of his career, with start-up long-distance companies, and has managed and led teams with US WEST Cellular, AirTouch Cellular, Qwest Communication, and Verizon Wireless in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah. During these 22 years, Larsen led teams pioneering and implementing new wireless technologies. He also managed several mergers and acquisitions. He has served on a U.S. Congressman’s staff as Director of Economic Development.

Jay’s key areas of focus are organizational development, marketing, networks, innovation, and leadership. He has served on several boards focused on helping further Idaho talent and the development of innovation. Some of these boards are Idaho Workforce Development Council, Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance, Boise State University CS Industry Advisory Board, Boise State University Foundation Board, Bronco Athletic Association, Boise State University College of Business and Economics Industry Advisory Board, INBRE Advisory Board, Idaho K-12 CS Leadership Team. Larsen has coached several sports teams and lives in Boise, Idaho with his wife (who has been blessed with four sons) and their Jack Russell terrier.

[1 CPE] Should I Stay, or Should I Go?

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council • Panel Discussion

Over the past year, the professional workforce has dealt with extensive turnover. In what is being labeled “The Great Resignation,” employees are vacating roles en masse, sometimes with no future employment lined up. There are many reasons why this is happening. Employees report their priorities changed following the pandemic of 2020 and the coinciding lockdown. All of this has brought challenges for Managers and Directors across industries.

In the IT industry, shops are struggling to maintain needed levels of staffing. With so many IT jobs capable of remote working, IT staffers are taking positions at out-of-market companies with higher salaries. Across the country, there are examples of employees moving to a preferred destination while working a remote job. For IT leaders in New Mexico, there is an ongoing challenge to maintain needed staffing levels and provide proper service.

Join a group of distinguished local IT leaders for an open discussion on the challenges of staffing and supporting current employees.


  • Jose Diaz, Director, Information Services, Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center
  • Steve Cox, Director, Information Technology, The Downs Casino and Racetrack
  • Aaron Frankel, Information Security Officer, TriCore Reference Laboratories
  • Mike Kelley, Chief Information Officer, Mesilla Valley Transportation
  • Dee Skinner, Director, IT Services, Haverland Carter LifeStyle Group

[1 CPE] Communication Breakdown

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

How difficult is it to communicate? This may sound like a rhetorical question, but it does pose challenges. IT departments are frequently in the middle of executing a business plan while the communication falls to others. Technology professionals are now responsible for facilitating improved communication between C-Suite, End-users, and the public.

Please join the INTERFACE Phoenix Advisory Council for a discussion on the challenges of the current communication landscape in your company. Firms of all types and sizes struggle with ensuring that all interested parties have the needed information to perform their jobs. IT departments must lead the way in evolving modern, efficient communication regarding policy, security, procedures, and other operating aspects of the business. Bring your questions for this open conversation with area leaders who will share their experiences and insights.

  • Lester Godsey, Chief Information Security Officer, Maricopa County
  • John Kullman, Sr Manager, Network, Yuma County
  • Patrick O’Keefe, Head of Global Cyber Security and Risk Management, Circle K
  • Lynne Pizzini, Director, Security Governance, Assurance, and Design, CIT Bank

[1 CPE] Mental Malware: Social Platforms and the Dawn of the Disinformation Age

  Presented by Michael Manrod • Chief Information Security Officer, Grand Canyon Education

In recent years, we have seen our world reshaped dramatically as technology has worked its way deeper into our daily lives. As mobility and social platforms reshape how we interact, the speed of information has accelerated, all while the overall trustworthiness of information has deteriorated. In this talk, we will examine human processing flaws that can be exploited via disinformation campaigns (Mental Malware), along with ways such campaigns may be interrupted.

Mike Manrod presently serves as the Chief Information Security Officer for Grand Canyon Education, responsible for leading the security team and formulating the vision and strategy for protecting students, staff, and information assets across the enterprise. Previous experiences include serving as a threat prevention engineer for Check Point and working as a consultant and analyst for other organizations.

Mike is also a co-author/contributor for the joint book project Understanding New Security Threats published by Routledge in 2019, along with multiple articles and whitepapers. When he’s not working, he spends time playing video games with his kids or doing projects around the farm.

[1 CPE] Panel Discussion: The More Things Change…

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

For the last two years, there has been no shortage of change in how IT departments are organized. The structure in your shop likely looks nothing like it did in 2019. With the permanence of remote work, how have you evolved? Has your company kept up with the new landscape?

Please join the INTERFACE Kansas City Advisory Council for a discussion on the current landscape of leadership in the IT industry. We’ll discuss retaining employees, hiring workers remotely, dealing with the “great resignation,” and other topics of relevance to your IT career. Finally, the panel will address the challenge of keeping local Kansas City IT talent from exploring remote opportunities with out-of-state companies. Bring your questions for this open conversation with area leaders who will share their experiences and insights.

  • Britney Kennedy, Business Information Security Officer, Cardinal Health
  • Michael Nixon, Director, Information Security, Stormont Vail Health
  • Altaf Uddin, Director, Information Systems, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy
  • Adam Wasserman, Director, Information Technology, Paris Brothers