Work from Home: Do You Have a Strategy?

  Presented by Nutanix

As we have seen in 2020, many companies are working to enable their employees to have a work from home capability. However, there are many factors that contribute to whether that will be possible or not. Are their apps supported? What devices are supported? How secure will they be? What latency issues will they incur and where is the data locality?

All of these topics and more will be addressed.

Motivating Employees in 2020

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

So many companies have been utilizing remote working for several months now. What are the tricks we have learned about motivating employees to stay productive? Is positive reinforcement a better approach than negative? How have IT departments been involved in this process? Join the INTERFACE-Reno Advisory Council for a discussion on getting the most out of employees. We will also look forward to what processes will continue to be like for all your employees and customers alike.

Shifting from ITSM to ESM as a Way to Enable and Transform the Enterprise

  Presented by ServiceNow

As a member of IT, have you found yourself doubting your relationship with the rest of the organization as you’re perceived as a cost center rather an equal part stakeholder with a common goal? Do you find yourself struggling to collaborate with the rest of the organization as the tech debt in your organization has created seemingly insurmountable silo’s? If you feel any of this describes your work environment and how IT may be perceived, please join the discussion in how the concepts of IT Service Management need to shift to a more inclusive Enterprise Service Management strategy. Ultimately, driving more effective technology purchasing, collaboration across the enterprise and re-branding of IT as an organizational enabler.

An Appeal for Cybersecurity Consolidation

  Presented by Fortinet

Come participate in a discussion about the Cybersecurity counterculture of platform consolidation. Learn of the potential benefits like reduction of complexity, and greater visibility and control.

The Proliferation of Video in Enterprise Design, and How It will Impact You

  Presented by Star Leaf & Netrix

The presentation will go over the complexities of a successful video/collaboration environment from a technical and physical perspective. We will discuss the technology, psychology of, and successful adoption of Video Conferencing in the workplace. One size does not fit all and equipment must be scaled appropriately. We will also go over the recommended beta/installation program and what that looks like.

So You Want to be an IT Rock Star?

  Moderated by INTERFACE Advisory Council

As more people turn to IT as a profession, how do you stand out and make yourself a cut above the rest? Join the Advisory Council for a panel on what makes an IT professional stand out, where there are opportunities for growth and things you can do today to be a better IT team member.

Moderated by:

  • David Clark • Director of IT for Three Rivers Casino


  • Mike Finch • CIO, Lane County Information Services
  • Michael Quiner • CIO, Linn-Benton Community College
  • Keleen Wright • CIO at Department of Veterans Affairs

Shifting from ITSM to ESM as a Way to Enable and Transform the Enterprise

  Presented by ServiceNow

As a member of IT, have you found yourself doubting your relationship with the rest of the organization as you’re perceived as a cost center rather an equal part stakeholder with a common goal? Do you find yourself struggling to collaborate with the rest of the organization as the tech debt in your organization has created seemingly insurmountable silo’s? If you feel any of this describes your work environment and how IT may be perceived, please join the discussion in how the concepts of IT Service Management need to shift to a more inclusive Enterprise Service Management strategy. Ultimately, driving more effective technology purchasing, collaboration across the enterprise and re-branding of IT as an organizational enabler.