First Line of Defense in Assessing your Organizations Cybersecurity Risks

  Presented by Fortinet

Assessing the resilience of your network can dramatically improve your ability to fend off prospective breaches. New applications and services introduce new avenues of attack. Without knowing the potential weaknesses within your network, you cannot successfully defend it.

Join us to hear about:

  • how assessments give you the visibility you need to make more informed, data-driven decisions
  • how you can prioritize strategic initiatives and obtain budgeting more easily by running assessments
  • how certain verticals (education, healthcare, et al.) can benefit from understanding their specific threat landscapes and common industry-wide threats.

During this session we will also cover:

  • a firsthand demonstration on how data is collected and processed, and logs are analyzed from your network during an assessment
  • contents of a sample findings report and how recommendations can help prioritize your security strategy

Assessment offering:
Schedule an assessment, and you will receive a complimentary Fortinet branded Basecamp Rapids Wireless Speaker. Once the assessment has been completed, will receive a pair of FortiVans (limit 50). Note that SLED customers may not be eligible for giveaway items.

Completing Security Visibility with NDR

  Presented by Gigamon

As SOCs have matured, they have employed a number of solutions to combat cybersecurity threats. Traditionally, SOCs have relied on SIEM and EDR tools for their detection and investigation needs. While these tools are critical to security operations, they have their visibility limitations. As such, modern security teams have turned to the network for added detection visibility. Network Detection and Response (NDR) solutions provide the necessary visibility not available in SIEM or EDR solutions and help SOCs complete their security architecture.

In this session, we discuss traditional security architectures and how they are being optimized using NDR into a modern security architecture.

Which is More Complex, Quantum Entanglement or Cybersecurity?

  Presented by INTERFACE Advisory Council

Cybersecurity is hard. Worldwide, billions of dollars are spent each year on cyber prevention and detection, and still, the bad actors breach even the best secured system—and no, I’m not talking about FireEye and SolarWinds in 2020.

Quantum Entanglement is hard to understand, explain, and until recently, hard to prove. Billions of development dollars are spent each year to create reliable and vastly powerful computing platforms—that very soon will change the landscape of encryption as it has been known.

Which is more complex, why does it matter, and how are they related? With wit, humor, and storytelling, Christopher Paidhrin, the CISO for City of Portland and past president of ISSA Portland, will provide you with one or more answers.


Christopher Paidhrin • Chief Information Security Officer, City of Portland

Automating the Analyst

  Presented by Darktrace

Alongside the rise of today’s dynamic workforce, the speed and scale of sophisticated cyber-attacks are rapidly increasing. As the cybersecurity industry continues to endure an ongoing skills shortage, over-worked and under-resourced teams urgently need augmentation in order to defend against evolving, sophisticated threats.

For over three years, Darktrace experts have been working to meet this challenge, investigating whether they could teach AI to think like a cybersecurity analyst. It takes subtle, nuanced skills and implicit knowledge for an analyst to detect genuinely threatening activity, and the creation of the world-first Cyber AI Analyst took analyzing over one hundred of the world’s top threat analysts and complex machine learning algorithms. Join Darktrace as we discuss the Cyber AI Analyst in action.

Situational Awareness Into the Dark Web

  Presented by Check Point Software

In our journey through this session, we take you through the evolution, goals, and motivation of the Dark Web. We will share with you what and whom you can find on the platforms as well as the major conflicts individuals face while exploring this web. The session also exposes you to the syndicates and structures running on the platforms. Surprisingly, we see how those groups were among the first to embrace and implement Blockchain technology and created a major global demand for crypto currencies. This is the time to listen, learn, and be exposed to the deepest secrets of the Dark Web.

The Rise of Secure Access Service Edge

  Presented by Bitglass

Secure access service edge has quickly emerged as a hot topic in cybersecurity, but what exactly does it mean and why should organizations care? As cloud migration, BYOD adoption, and remote work have skyrocketed in prevalence, it has become increasingly apparent that organizations need to think differently about security. While legacy tools like firewalls are no longer equipped to handle the modern IT ecosystem, SASE platforms are built for this exact moment.

In this presentation, you will learn:

  • The core components SASE
  • The functionality you need to secure cloud, web, and remote access use cases
  • Architectural considerations for SASE platforms

Automating the Analyst

  Presented by Darktrace

Alongside the rise of today’s dynamic workforce, the speed and scale of sophisticated cyber-attacks are rapidly increasing. As the cybersecurity industry continues to endure an ongoing skills shortage, over-worked and under-resourced teams urgently need augmentation in order to defend against evolving, sophisticated threats.

For over three years, Darktrace experts have been working to meet this challenge, investigating whether they could teach AI to think like a cybersecurity analyst. It takes subtle, nuanced skills and implicit knowledge for an analyst to detect genuinely threatening activity, and the creation of the world-first Cyber AI Analyst took analyzing over one hundred of the world’s top threat analysts and complex machine learning algorithms. Join Darktrace as we discuss the Cyber AI Analyst in action.

Security Operations Center: Build Your Own or SOCaaS

  Presented by High Point Networks

Learn how Security Operations as a Service (SOCaaS) may be a good option for your business. In this session, we will compare and contrast many non-product specific aspects of SOCaaS and traditional Security Information and Events Management (SIEM’s) systems using first- hand real-world examples; the good, bad, and ugly. The purpose of this presentation is to equip the audience with enough knowledge so they can make a more informed decision regarding a traditional SIEM/SOC approach, or SOCaaS approach, when building a Security Operations Center. Presenter Dean Sheley recently lead an initiative to build a Central Security Operations Center for a statewide multi-university educational system while CISO for that state-wide university system.

Stop Ransomware for Good: Extending Zero Trust from Endpoint to Enterprise Network

  Presented by Airgap Networks

Nearly 70% of the ransomware attacks start from the compromise of a single endpoint followed by lateral movement. This is what turns an attack on a single endpoint into a huge breach. In this talk, Ritesh Agrawal, CEO and Founder of Airgap Networks, will discuss how ransomware cripples your organization and various mitigation techniques to help better protect your organization against the ransomware menace. This session will cover some of the following topics:

  • Ransomware propagation protection via Zero Trust Isolation (Identity-based segmentation)
  • Instant remediation via Ransomware Kill Switch

You Are No Longer Forgotten: The Small Business Security Challenge

  Presented by Chris Roberts • Hillbilly Hit Squad

Most of the security industry is chasing “around” 31,000 larger enterprise sized companies for their business. The list is well known, circulated and targets are on the backs of ALL the C-Suite, most of the technical folks and the MSP/VARS that support them. The Security industry circles them like packs of hyena or vultures waiting for one of them to fall, get breached, or for a vendor to be thrown out… pouncing on the fresh kill with glee…

Meanwhile, you’re sitting there getting slaughtered by every adversary known to mankind because you ARE the forgotten, you’re too small for the multi-billion $$ cyber companies whom IF they decide to deal with you will flood you with MSA’s, SOW’s and NDA’s that would take a week’s worth of lawyer time JUST to understand, let alone realize that they’re not accountable for anything, unlikely to want to support you and in all honestly you’ll get a 1-800-YOU-AREN’T-SPECIAL number as your sole source of support.

We’re going to address the current situation, the state of play, and give you some thoughts, suggestions, ideas AND plans. We’ll provide resources on HOW to evaluate, where to look, what to do AND importantly we’ll do it because it’s what we’re doing. We live, breath and deal with this daily. We’ve sat in the meetings when the large cybersecurity companies state, “we’re done dealing with the SMB market” and we’ve got the battle scars from dealing with those subsequent consequences.